Getting Ready For A Commercial Interior Painting Project

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Unless you're tackling the job during initial construction or a complete remodel, commercial interior painting is a type of project that requires a fair bit of planning. Here are four issues you'll want to take care of as you get ready for your project.

Conducting a Walkthrough with the Pros

Before you deal with anything, it's a good idea to have the commercial interior painting services contractors you've hired perform a walkthrough. They can identify problem areas and tell you what they'll need out of the way. Likewise, they can assess how the equipment will come in and out of the building, allowing them to better direct you in preparing the space for work. They can then imagine how much free space they'll need to store supplies, set up equipment, and move around. You can subsequently shape your efforts around their needs.

Moving Items Out

Most of the time, the contractors are going to need at least some of the stuff removed from the space. In a commercial space, this usually means removing stock, shelves, and furniture. You may also want to remove rugs, carpets, and drapes.

Anything that can't be moved needs to be covered. Talk with the commercial interior painting services contractors about what sorts of coverings will be necessary. It's unwise to just use whatever you might have available to handle the problem.

Clearing a Path

It's also important to provide as much of a path as possible for the contractors to get things in and out of the building. Try to keep vehicles away from the contractors' preferred entrances. Clear out obstacles from those spaces just like you would inside.

Take note of anything along the path that might potentially get damaged. For example, you should inform them of where components for the HVAC system are if they might be in the way.

Making Time

Timing is just as important as all the other issues. Particularly in a business or an office setting, you can't have customers and employees around where the contractors will be doing the commercial interior painting work.

The best way to address this problem is to avoid having the work done when your business is operating. In a large building, it might be possible to cordon things off and continue commercial activities elsewhere. However, many smaller businesses will need to either shut down or plan the work for hours when the building is closed.

For more information on how to prepare for your commercial interior painting project, contact your local experts.
